2024 Kansas City Corporate Challenge

A proud program of Johnson County Park & Recreation District



General Information

How can my company get involved in KCCC?
Please contact the KCCC Office by calling 913.831.2222 or emailing kccorporatechallenge@gmail.com. KCCC will add your company to the mailing list and send you the registration flyer.


How large does a company have to be to participate in KCCC?
KCCC companies come in a variety of sizes. They vary from over 10,000 employees all the way down to companies with fewer than 25 employees. Companies are divided up each year by the Board of Directors into Divisions (based on company counts that are submitted in March). Companies compete against other companies of their general size.


When does registration for KCCC take place?
Registration for KCCC takes place each year from November until the Games hit capacity (determined each year by our Board of Directors). We strongly encourage companies to register early as we traditionally sell all slots and have a waitlist. There is an informational meeting each year in January where company representatives are able to receive the Rules Book and learn more about the Games.


How does payment work?
Company entry fees are a one-time fee that companies pay in order to register their organization into the Games. It allows a company access to compete in any of the 25+ events KCCC offers. Entry fees range based on company size. There is no minimum amount of events companies are required to compete, there is a maximum per event which is listed in each of the Event Rules. Entry fees cover the cost of equipment, facilities, officials, staff, etc. for each event.


When are the KCCC Events held?
KCCC events are held for 9-weeks during the months of April-June.  They take place on weekdays and weekends.  Weekday events begin after 5:00pm and weekend events run throughout the day.


How many participants can my company have in each event?
This depends on each particular event. Please click on each of the Event Rules to view allocations and how events are set-up. Some events are team events (Men, Women or Coed) and others are individual events that allow a certain number of participants based on gender and/or age.



How are event sites chosen?
KCCC events are large with hundreds or thousands of participants. The site must accommodate the anticipated participation volume, volunteers, event staff and parking. Due to a large number of both Missouri and Kansas companies each year, venues are utilized on both sides of the state line. KCCC has a great relationship with its Founding Partner, Johnson County Park & Recreation District, which allows the use of many of their facilities. We have also used facilities throughout the Metro (Smithville, Gladstone, Blue Springs, Lee's Summit, Independence, Overland Park, Olathe, New Century, KCK, Gardner).


How do companies communicate with the KCCC Office?
Each company has at least one company coordinator (or several). All communication is handled with the KCCC Office through your company coordinator. Your company may opt to also have event coordinators to help with particular events and assist the company coordinator(s).


How do employees become eligible to compete and sign-up for events?
KCCC has created an on-line software called Challenge Manager that allows employees to create a profile, sign an electronic waiver and select events they are interested in participating. It keeps each company organized and ties their employees to each company. Coordinators have additional privelages on the website to slot participants into events and populate on-line rosters that the KCCC Office uses to schedule events.

NOTE: Challenge Manager is a feature within kccorporatechallenge.com. To access My Challenge Manager, please login at the top right corner of this page.

Why does Challenge Manager require my birth year/age when creating a profile?
Several of the KCCC events are divided into age categories for participation, scoring and medal distribution. Submitting your birth year in Challenge Manager enables each of the events you are eligible to compete to reflect your accurate age category. All participants compete based on their age as of December 31 of the year of competition, which is consistent with many national sport sanctioning organizations.
How does KCCC handle event cancellations?
KCCC places participant safety at the top of our priority when it comes to determining event cancellations based on inclement weather. We work closely with facility officials (based on where the event is taking place) and a weather service that gives us up-to-the-minute details based on our location. We do our best to make-up any events that are cancelled, but some events unfortunately can't be rescheduled due to permits & logistics. Any updates regarding weather or event rescheduling will be communicated through company coordinators and KCCC social media outlets (Facebook & Twitter).
Does KCCC have a rain-out line?
Yes. The number is 913.686.6030 x15. If inclement weather causes an event to be cancelled or postponed, this line will be updated. Short-term event delays will be handled on-site and participants will be notified at that time. As you know, weather in our area can be unpredictable and vary greatly depending on where you are in the Metro.  This line will ONLY be updated if an event is canceled or if there are major schedule changes. If there is no updated message, the event is on as scheduled. 



How can companies become sponsors?
KCCC relies on companies to assist financially by not only participating in KCCC but also sponsoring events. Sponsorships are available at several different levels. Sponsorships offer great exposure for a company while also showing their support of this unique event! Contact kccorporatechallenge@gmail.com for more information.


How can vendors participate even if their companies do not?
KCCC offers Vendor Sponsorships at our events.  The largest attended event is the Kick-Off Party/Walk event. This event draws over 18,000 people each year. Please contact us for more information regarding this sponsorship by emailing kccorporatechallenge@gmail.com.


Social Media

How do we get pictures of our participants or company on the KCCC website?
With the Instagram app on your smart phones, use the hashtag #kccchallenge and your pictures will instantly be up-loaded into our Instagram Gallery. Please note, your Instagram profile must be public in order for the pictures to upload to the KCCC website.


Does KCCC have additional social media outlets?
Yes. KCCC has a Facebook page containing event information, updates and picture albums. KCCC also has a Twitter account and YouTube channel with various content and videos concerning the Games.


Medals & Awards Celebration

How are medals awarded for events? 
For all events, teams or individuals are awarded medals based on the top finishers in that event.  These medals range from overall finishes to gender and age-group finishes.  Please refer to the Event Rules for specifics by event.
When is the Awards Celebration held each year?
The Awards Celebration is held each year in July. KCCC awards the top eight (8) companies in each Division.  We also announce the Male and Female Alex George Award recipients, as well as other awards earned throughout the KCCC season.



Does KCCC support a charity each year?
Yes, KCCC supports a local charity organization each year. $100 from each company’s entry fee is donated directly to this charity (at the Awards Celebration). KCCC promotes this charity throughout the Games and offers other opportunities to generate money for the selected benefactor.  We are proud to have Special Olympics KC Metro as our current charity of choice, benefiting thousands of local athletes with intellectual & developmental disabilities. 


How is this charity chosen?
KCCC sends out Request for Proposals (RFP's) to local charities. The KCCC Board of Directors determines the charity by a vote through post evaluation of RFP responses. The length of these relationships vary.