In partnership with the Community Blood Center and American Red Cross, the 11th annual KCCC Blood Donation Challenge will take place from
January 1 - June 30, 2025!
*NO CORPORATE CHALLENGE POINTS* are awarded for the Blood Donation Challenge. However, the company logging the most presenting donors will be presented with the "KCCC Blood Donation Challenge Award" at the 2025 KCCC Closing Celebration. Staff from both the Community Blood Center and American Red Cross will administer the contest.
1. Sponsor/host a blood drive with American Red Cross AND/OR the Community Blood Center
2. Send donors into an ARC blood drive or CBC donation center or blood drive to donate under your company name
3. Community Blood Center and American Red Cross will keep a tally of each registered donor
Any company who sponsors/hosts a blood drive will be awarded for each presenting donor. All registrations are verifiable through official organization documentation. Those companies that host more than one drive during the timeframe will receive 50 extra points toward their company's overall Blood Donation Challenge point total! Those companies that send donors into any participating KC Metro donation center will receive 2 points towards their company's overall Blood Donation Challenge point total! At the end of the challenge, whichever company from each division has the most presenting donors wins the “KCCC Blood Donation Award.” The winning companies will be recognized at the 2024 KCCC Closing Celebration.
- Community Blood Center serves 60+ hospitals across 70 counties in Northeastern Kansas and Northwestern Missouri. CBC needs nearly 600 units each day.
- The American Red Cross provides blood to the HCA Hospital System, which is the largest hospital in Kansas City area, and other local and rural hospitals. Our blood donors are told when and where their blood is used to help patients in need. We also serve areas impacted by natural disasters and where it is needed most.
- Hospitals and patients rely upon a steady flow of volunteer donors to receive life-saving blood donations, but the past three years have brought chronic blood shortages Nationwide.
- Individuals who require blood transfusions include cancer patients, accident, burn, or trauma victims, new mothers and newborn babies, transplant recipients, chronically transfused patients suffering from sickle cell disease or thalassemia, and more.
- Of the total U.S. population, 62 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate, yet only 3% do.
- One blood donation can save up to three lives.
- Blood is supplied by VOLUNTEER DONORS like you.
- Will you save a life and DONATE??
- The company with the most documented presenting donors at the end of the challenge will receive the Kansas City Corporate Challenge BLOOD DONATION AWARD! But the real winners are the hospital patients who need those lifesaving units of blood!
***Be sure to check back often as this site will be updated with available dates/locations of upcoming donation events. ***
For more information regarding the Blood Donation Challenge, contact the KCCC Office at 913.831.2222 / kccorporatechallenge@gmail.com