2025 Kansas City Corporate Challenge

A proud program of Johnson County Park & Recreation District

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Lunch & Learn Program

KCCC would like to thank your company for participating in this year’s games by offering FREE educational sessions. Whether you are gearing up for the games or staying healthy throughout the rest of the year, there will be a topic of interest for everyone. A full list of educational choices with their scheduled dates can be found below. Don’t miss out on these FREE opportunities for your company! Food and beverage are not included, just the speakers for the educational sessions. All sessions will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams. Sessions from KCCC staff will be recorded, others from guest speakers are not eligible for recording. If you see a session or speaker that you would like to schedule for a private session for your work group, let Alison know and she will connect you.

*Participants are to register from the links for each session below to get the link sent to them and added to their Teams calendar. Registration closes the day prior at noon for each session, a minimum of 10 is required for a presentation to be held. Sessions run Feb 1st-June 30th. For more information, contact Alison.Smith@jocogov.org. If interested in being a speaker for the next season, please reach out!

No KCCC points will be awarded for attending sessions.

Enroll here: click on the links below for each session.

NEW - Scheduled Presentations

2025 Menu of Session Offerings

 January 22nd, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Challenge Manager review for Company Coordinators, KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team for this review of the website you’ll be using this season to help coordinate your team. This session is designed for newer Company Coordinators.  RECORDING

February 5th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Company Coordinators Tips & Tricks, reviewing deadlines for the upcoming season, KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team to talk about different tips and tricks for Company Coordinators and event captains to help your team get the most out of this season, recruitment and incentives. We’ll also review the importance of the upcoming deadlines. This session is designed for all Company Coordinators and event captains.  RECORDING

February 19th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Understanding Cholesterol – Kim McAuley, Hy-Vee RD The heart is more than just an organ – it is a muscle that requires special care. Learn the basics of heart health and cholesterol. Your Hy-Vee dietitian will debunk nutrition myths and help you understand what is really important to improve and maintain your heart health.

February 26th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Company Coordinators, the first big deadlines is tomorrow! KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team as we review the first big deadline scheduled for February 27th. This session is open for coordinators to ask questions as we review the importance of the upcoming deadlines. This session is designed for all Company Coordinators.  RECORDING

March 12th, 12:00-12:45PM. Carb Conscious – Jessica Smith, Hy-Vee RD Carbohydrates are so important to our body! Carbs help fuel our body so we can perform to the best of our ability. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Your Hy-Vee dietitian will discuss the differences between carb types, portion sizes and foods to pair with carbohydrates. The presentation will finish with meal makeovers for high-carb foods.

March 19th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Kick Off, Deadlines and Brackets – Oh my! KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team as we break down upcoming deadlines, recent brackets posted, kickoff party planning, what the t shirt contest is all about, templates for event captains to use when confirming participations, setting competitors in challenge manager, tracking scores and results for your people for the season.  This session is designed for all Company Coordinators.  RECORDING

March 26th, 12:00-12:45PM. Demystifying Proteins – Stephanie Ricke, Natural Grocers You've probably heard about the importance of protein in your diet, but how much do you really know? In the class Demystifying Protein, we'll explore topics such as the ideal protein quantity for your individual needs, the best food sources for top-quality protein, and the diverse array of protein supplements available. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or simply curious about optimizing your dietary habits, this class will equip you with insights to elevate your nutrition game.

March 27th, 12:00-1:00PM. Natural Hacks for Memory Support – Harley Herd, Natural Grocers While age-related cognitive decline might seem inevitable, it doesn’t have to be! The formula for supporting our brain and memory is simple. Discover how good nutrition and healthy habits can support our memory throughout our lifespan.

April 3rd, 12:00-1:00PM. Natural Tips to Support Healthy Sleep – Harley Herd, Natural Grocers Are you dreaming of a good night's sleep? There are a variety of natural sleep solutions that can support you in making sound, restful, and rejuvenating sleep a reality. This includes increasing the nutrient density of the diet, practicing proper sleep hygiene and adding sleep-supportive supplements that can help you achieve those z's. Join us and discover the steps to foster quality, healthy sleep every night.

April 9th, 12:00-12:45PM. Mindful Eating – The Why and How We Eat – Heidi Lohmann-Shrader, Hy-Vee The Why & How We Eat We would be missing a big part of eating healthfully if we didn’t talk about the why and how we eat. Often, these factors can influence our overall health, total weight and even our relationship with food – sometimes even more than what we are eating.

April 17th, 12:00-1:00PM. The War on Salt – Stephanie Ricki, Natural Grocers We've seen the headlines and dietary guidelines urging all Americans to cut down on salt. However, research now suggests that these claims should be taken with a grain of salt. In fact, for most Americans, more salt is actually health-promoting. Join this class and discover how adding more salt to your diet can support overall health, including heart health, exercise performance, and healthy weight maintenance.

April 23rd, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Filling all the slots - KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team as we review the age brackets for the upcoming running events and strategize how you can get the most points from these events. This session is designed for Company Coordinators and event captains.

April 29th, 1:00-2:00PM. Encouraging work/life balance in a busy world – KC Resolve Define the term "work/life balance”, identify ways each individual can improve work/life balance and explore ways companies can prioritize work/life balance.

May 13th, 12:00-1:00PM. The Power of Small Changes: Everyday Wellness Tips to Transform Your Health – Bayleigh Petty, Small Changes Big Shifts Our mission was founded on a very simple idea: we want to see people come fully alive. We love to do this by helping people make small changes that ultimately lead to the biggest shifts in their lives. While striving for optimal health can feel daunting, we see when broken down into smaller pieces that fit together in a simple framework and nurtured along the way, people feel empowered and are more successful on this journey. We address these different areas through the Quadrants of Well-Being – a simple framework that restores how amazing our bodies were designed to feel every day, all day.

May 14th, 12:00-12:45PM.  Local Food 101 – Claire Sinovic, KC Food Circle Join us for a discussion all about local food in Kansas City! We'll talk about the health, economic and community benefits of shopping locally, where you can find local food near you, and share other ways to support local farmers and strengthen our local food system. 

May 21st, 12:00-1:00PM. Dealing with imposter syndrome at work – KC Resolve Define imposter syndrome, identify how "imposter syndrome" may be effecting you and learn 8 skills to help you overcome the negative effects.

May 22nd, 12:00-1:00PM. Demystifying Fats – Stephanie Ricki, Natural Grocers Fats have been blamed for our declining health since the 1950s, but are they really the villains they've been made out to be? Discover why fats are essential to health and learn why nutrient-dense high-fat foods should be part of a healthy diet. In addition, this class will highlight some of the latest research on fat as we untangle the truth and demystify fats.

May 28th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Track, Swim and Tug! KCCC Staff Join the KCCC team so we can help you prepare for what to expect at the upcoming events for the track and swim meets along with Tug. If extra time allows, we’d love to hear from coordinators and get feedback on the season so far. This session is designed for all Company Coordinators.

June 3rd, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Nutritional Strategies for Stress Management – Caroline Milton, CBIZ Did you know that certain foods can help support your stress levels and other foods can make stress more challenging? In this session, attendees will learn which nutrients can support a healthy relationship with stress and will develop tactics for incorporating more stress-busting foods into their lifestyle.

June 4th, 12-12:30PM. Be SMART Program, Leanna Barclay  Be SMART is a national, public education program designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions to prevent child gun deaths and injuries.  Be SMART campaign volunteers advocate for responsible gun ownership to reduce the number of shootings that occur when guns are not stored securely. Secure Storage prevents unintentional shootings by children, youth gun suicide, school shootings, and more.  We are neutral on gun ownership and emphasize personal agency. The Be SMART presentation will go over these points:

- Secure all guns in your homes and vehicles

M - Model responsible behavior around guns

A - Ask about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes

R - Recognize the role of guns in suicides

T - Tell your peers to be SMART

June 18th, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Remarkably Resilient Together, Tim DeWeese & Kathleen Harnish McKune – Johnson County Mental Health Department & TeamTech Inc.  Wellbeing matters which is why we developed Remarkably Resilient Together® (RRT). RRT is a community-based campaign to raise awareness about resilience and wellbeing. RRT is: Informed by the neuroscience of trauma, utilizes the evidence-based practice of journaling and self-reflection, and grounded in lived experience. Our mission is to share knowledge about the impact of trauma and stress on our bodies and our brains while providing insights on how to recognize when you are getting overwhelmed and what to do to return to your calmer, regulated self. The RRT campaign and supporting materials were developed by TeamTech, a facilitative leadership company with 30+ years of trauma-informed organizational experience. Experts at JoCo Mental Health Center reviewed the campaign, with edits and recommendations incorporated into the final program. To learn more please visit, https://teamtechinc.com/remarkably-resilient-together/ . Join Tim DeWeese, JoCo Mental Health Center Director, and Kathleen Harnish McKune, CEO, TeamTech and Remarkably Resilient for this free workshop. “We are all more resilient when we are emotionally regulated with full resilient cups.”